Dance is not just a story of great choreographers! here is a exhibition of the Mucem which reminds us that it is everyone's business. It's you, it's me, it's us, together at friends' houses, in a concert at the Caravelle or on a beach in Marseille.
An interactive exhibition at MUCEM
The exhibition design invites you to move.
This is where its originality lies: you are invited to move, to sit, to stretch, and why not, to lie down to discover extracts of texts, sounds or images related to dance.
The works are collected in a six-hour audiovisual stream that you can take in on the fly. for a few minutes or for a few hours.
Getting to the heart of the matter with the heating room.
Before visiting the “on danse” exhibition at MUCEM, Boris Charmatz invites you to come dance for a little warm-up. The workshop is run by dancers, it is accessible whatever your age.
The exhibition runs until May 20, 2019, from 14 p.m. to 18 p.m. D4 – Level 2 over an area of 800 m2.
The warm-up workshop to dance takes place every 30 minutes
Featured Image – Pixabay – Free for commercial use / No attribution required
other exhibitions at the Mucem , here