The small building which houses the ecological BelleVue hotel on the Old Port of Marseille has a stylish roof Provençal whose wooden frame hides its age well... Anyone who has a basic knowledge of history will not be surprised to learn that its beams were, in the past, ship masts!

It’s the soul of a building!
Even 150 years ago, we did not know any other technique for supporting a roof than that of creating a wood frame, the centerpiece of any shelter and symbol of protection.
Thus, from the Middle Ages, the king's master carpenters had, to be admitted, to have worked for some time in ports and to have created a masterpiece.
Ecology before its time
Let us not forget that until the end of the 19nd century the boats of the royal and merchant navy were made of wood - just like the frames - and that the most prized was oak.
Very quickly the concern to preserve forest resources appeared, and it was the Ordinance of 1669 under King Louis XIV on Water and Forests which regulated exploitation.
Nothing is lost… !
The lifespan of a wooden ship did not exceed twenty years and, even if not everything was recoverable, the “straight grain” wood of the masts and yards had a second life as beams and posts.
A stone's throw from the BelleVue hotel, on this sunny quay of the Old Port, the Cabre hotel and the Diamond House, the oldest in the city since their construction dates from the 16nd century also have their secret…
We have another secret, our frescoes. Find out how the hotel is concerned with the maintenance of heritage
Ecological hotel BelleVue : 34 Quai du Port, 13002 Marseille – tel. 04 96 17 05 40