Too much alcohol, too much food, not enough sleep… make THE good resolution: take up Zumba!
Getting into sport:
Practicing moderate or intense activity reduces the risk of premature mortality by 30%. The regular practice ofa sport improves emotional well-being, physical well-being, quality of life and self-perception.
Dancing Zumba:
Zumba is a physical training program combining elements of aerobic and dance. A Zumba class usually lasts one hour. To a sequence of musical styles, the instructor performs simple choreographies which can be imitated by the participants. Aerobic and muscular strength exercises are thus carried out by linking more intense periods followed by calmer periods. A period of 5 to 15 minutes is reserved for warming up at the beginning, and one or two songs allow you to cool down and stretch at the end.
The Bompard Theater:
Katia Neyder invites you to groove every Monday, from 18:30 p.m., at the Théâtre Bompard in the 7th arrondissement in Marseille. A course specially designed for those who want to have fun. A fun approach to different dance techniques, escape and above all, lots of fun!