Do you know this sunny end of quay which suddenly opens onto the open sea and leads to MuCEM ? Until May 4, 2020, the “Voyage Voyages” exhibition therefore offers a double motivation for this stroll.
The irresistible attraction of the Mediterranean
North Africa, its light, its exoticism have attracted artists such as Matisse, Klee and even Kandinsky. These universally recognized painters are therefore present at the “Voyage Voyages” exhibition which brings together more than 80 artists.
The Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations MUCEM has brought together around a hundred works, including paintings, sculptures, photographs, etc. from public and private collections.
The search for other landscapes
Some have gone much further, such as Paul Gauguin who found inspiration in Polynesia and is therefore in a good place at this “Voyage Voyages”… This event aims to explore all the phenomena linked to travel, which includes current migratory movements and gives rise to “installations » surprising.
Chiharu Shiota, who had already in the past invested the chapel of the Vieille Charité with a monumental work of great poetry, questions with finesse about wandering and exile.
And if you stay at the BelleVue hotel at 34 Quai du Port,
you will already be on your way to this beautiful journey…!