The Marseille International Poetry Center, cipM, is among the first poetry houses to appear in France. It is the Vieille Charité, an emblematic place, which hosts this association.
A city of poets
Marseille is one of those cities where poetry is deeply rooted in all cultural circles. The cipM was born in the 90s with the support of an elected official, Julien Blaine. He is then deputy mayor in charge of culture but above all a renowned French poet. THE center from Old Charity is today an international reference in its field and largely participates in what constitutes its main object: preservation, dissemination, but also creation of contemporary poetry.
How to live poetry
Poetry is above all intended to be alive and it is therefore through public readings, during which the artist himself brings his texts to life, that oral transmission takes place. These readings can take place several times a month. But poetry uses varied modes of expression and exhibitions are also organized each year. Thus the poet will be able to exhibit graphic work that ranges from photography to painting, including sound support. It is about stimulating, while making it known, contemporary poetry in all its forms and on all media.
At the Old Charity, the exhibitions around poetry come together. Thieri Foulc, author of engravings, textile works, publisher and poet takes over this week from Frédérique Loutz, teacher and visual artist.