On November 30th, some people attended "live" a production of
The D on the walls of the BelleVue. It was an event lasting a few hours, intended to leave a mark for as long as the walls of this century-old building will be there. In other words, for a long time!
The BelleVue invites you to see
For a few hours, tubes of acrylic paint in hand, The D stretched, curled up, tilted his head, twisted his body in all directions, while his impassive, almost steady right hand, without any jolt, traced lines like flowing water.
This large-scale work can now be seen by crossing the hotel's gate on the Old Port. A large surface area was needed for The D can give free rein to his imagination: the walls that stretch up to the grand staircase are a choice support.
D indulges in street art
… because he feels a strong need to be heard by everyone, this artist expresses himself mainly in the street, in busy places and those which offer him a place to the excess of his fertile imagination.
Most of his works are dense, giving off a first childish impression through their optimism, their smiling side that is rarely seen today... But a mastered interlacing of soft lines, the imbrication of characters and objects leaving no room for emptiness invites us to enter the intimate world of an artist who has truly left childhood behind!